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Yoga in Japanese, Careers Events and More

Greetings from a chilly Edinburgh!

For those who have been following the J-YAP IUSP calendar (we know you're out there), you may have noticed a few new classes and events taking place recently.

Notably, last week saw the very first J-YAP IUSP Yoga in Japanese event held by Akita University's Noriko Hamada-sensei. A big thank you goes to Hamada-sensei for introducing this special session which supported students to pause to catch their breath in among their busy schedules.

We have also recently been delighted to host the first of a series of exchange events with Tokyo's Gakugei University, coordinated by Edinburgh alumnus Ken Sugihara. The second of these is taking place this Thursday (24th Feb) at 10am UK time, with the theme being cross-cultural encounters.

Finally, we have just announced two careers events coming up next month, the first jointly hosted with Regent's University London and Keele University and featuring a very special guest speaker: Tom Carter, former UK High Commissioner to Zambia and Ambassador to Guatemala and Honduras.

Following this event, we have another coming up in the same week at which attendees will hear from sempai graduates of J-YAP IUSP participating institutions. Specifically, we will be hearing from Chris Orr (graduate of the University of Manchester now working as a translator at Square Enix) and J-YAP IUSP's very own Elly Darrah (graduate of the University of Edinburgh).

As always, check back again for more updates coming soon. In the meantime, here is a summary of classes and events planned for the remainder of the Spring Semester.

Spring Semester Classes & Events | 春学期のクラス・イベント 【月曜日・Mondays】



*Wed. 16th March. 【木曜日・Thursdays】

*Thurs. 20th January and Thurs. 24th February. 【金曜日・Fridays】


For queries about J-YAP IUSP and any of our classes or events, please get in touch with the relevant project member or email

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